Become a Member
Become a Member ☆
Membership & Services
Ages Newborn to 2 year: $250/month
Ages 3 years to 22 years: $200/month
There are no minimum contracts, cancel at any time!
(There is a one time $100 sign up fee)
Membership Includes
Well Visits and Checkups
Unlimited sick visits (acute and chronic care)
Access to your pediatrician via text/email/cell
Remote visits/virtual care
House calls as appropriate
Routine vaccinations
School/camp/sports physical forms
Developmental and behavioral screenings
Counseling and guidance (nutrition, development, sleep, behavior, parenting and more!)
Evaluation and medical management (when necessary) of chronic pediatric conditions, such as eczema, asthma, ADHD, depression, anxiety, etc.
Communication and coordinated care with specialists